CloudFlare vs Akamai

August 09, 2021

CloudFlare vs Akamai - which one is better?

Cloud deployment is a critical decision for any business today. With the rise of cloud computing, there are more options than ever before. Two of the biggest players in the market are CloudFlare and Akamai. While they have similar services, there are some key differences to consider. In this blog post, we will provide you with a detailed comparison of the two services to help you decide which one is the best fit for your business.

Network Coverage and Speed

When it comes to network coverage and speed, both CloudFlare and Akamai offer impressive performance. However, Akamai currently has a larger network than CloudFlare, which means they may have a slight edge in terms of coverage. That being said, CloudFlare scores higher on average response time, which influences page loading speed.


Security is a critical feature of any cloud deployment service. CloudFlare and Akamai offer similar security features, including DDoS protection and web application firewalls. However, CloudFlare takes the lead when it comes to SSL certificates, which they issue for free. They also offer better protection against Layer 7 attacks.


When it comes to pricing, both services have a range of plans to choose from. CloudFlare's plans are generally more affordable, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. In contrast, Akamai is known for its premium pricing and often caters to large enterprises.

Load Balancing

Both CloudFlare and Akamai offer load balancing, but CloudFlare's load balancing is arguably more user-friendly. They offer a simple user interface and allow users to set up load balancing within minutes. Akamai's load balancing is also quite good, but it requires more technical expertise to set up.


In conclusion, CloudFlare and Akamai are both excellent cloud deployment services. Depending on your business needs, either service could be the right choice for you. CloudFlare is generally more affordable, offers better SSL certificates, and has a more user-friendly load balancing option. However, Akamai has a slightly larger network coverage and is known for providing top-notch security.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in guiding your decisions. Remember, both services offer free trials, so it's a good idea to try both and see which one works best for your business.


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